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A MON AMI (2015)
Works by Chopin and Franchomme. Beatriz Blanco, violoncello and Federico Bosco, piano. Recorded at the Museum am Fruchtkasten, Stuttgart, in a double Pleyel.

Beginnings and endings together with Webern, Hindemith, Debussy, Boulanger, Fauré and Strauss.
Beatriz Blanco (violoncello) and Federico Bosco (piano), recorded at "The Spheres", Montesilvano, Italy.

Baroque Portrait

Baroque Portrait

Baroque Portrait
Baroque Portrait (2015)
J.S Bach, Suites I and V for Cello solo. J.B Barrière Sonates for Cello and Continuo. Beatriz Blanco, solo cello, María González, harpsichord, Daniel Rosin, baroque cello and Josep María Martí, thiorbe and baroque guitar. Recorded at Stadt Casino Basel, October 2015.
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